Journal of Multimedia Enriched STEM Education is a multidisciplinary journal aiming to enhance the quality of STEM education by providing short videos of STEM practices with theoretical, methodological, and pedagogical underpinnings. STEM-Multimedia aims to communicate best practices of STEM education in the form of sound, pictures, codes, and videos as well as text.

STEM Video Journal * Peer Reviewed * Multidisciplinary

Submit your article with a short video!

The journal is published twice a year. The first issue of the journal has been published. You can send your articles that can be used in formal, informal, and non-formal environments. 

The publication language of the journal is English.

To better understand the scope of the journal, here are some internationally published journals with a similar perspective. Reviewing the articles in these journals can guide you while preparing your manuscript.

JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments 

  • Editor in Chief: Metin Şardağ
  • ISSN: 2980-3608
  • Frequency: Twice a year
iss open


Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Multimedia Enriched STEM Education
					View Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Multimedia Enriched STEM Education

This issue (Journal of Multimedia Enriched STEM Education Volume 1 Issue 1 the year 2023) has been available online published in June 2023. 

ISSN: 2980-3608
Full English Language: 2023 - present
Publisher: Hacettepe Science Center
Indexing: OpenAIRE

Published: 2023-06-15


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